Controversial questions about clan and personal finances

01.09.2016 17:34 / comments: 0 / view: 721 /

Ambiguous handling of rules often leads to fatal consequence. In order not to make the wrong move and get a huge penalty, you can use (on individual fear and risk, they are not advice from administration after all) advice of experienced players, which we have put together in this article using questions from the ‘’Queries and help’’ branch of the forum.

Question №1: Are voluntary donations to a clan’s treasury allowed?


This is very two-sided.

I am siding with the argument that it is classified as a gift to the clan by the rules.

You see... yes, to us, all transfers are transfers between two characters, and they are to follow the rules touching on debt and gifts to a clan, however, the nuances of clan taxes and sublease are more specific.

3.30. Weekly clan taxes mustn't exceed 300*[character combat level] gold. The maximal term for advance payment is 1 month, it is illegal to prepay and to collect taxes for longer periods (including a large payment for exemption from clan taxes).

3.30.1. If the clan Leader is collecting gold to militarize his or her clan, then each member except additional characters may transfer funds for that purpose only once, no more than [15,000*CL] gold.


How a transfer must be described:

Described as a "gift" not a violation of rules

Described as a "contribution to the clan" a violation of rules

Question №2: Can recruiters receive wages?


A paragraph from the rules:

Only clan Recruiters may be awarded for bringing newer recruits into the clan. Clan leaders are advised to limit the recruiting duties to official Recruiters. Clan ranking systems, as well as any relevant rewards, are still legal, if no other rule is broken in the process.

Lexa (2009): Are payments to recruiters allowed or not?

They are allowed, but only if the recruited members don’t become recruiters themselves.

Question №3: Does registering an additional character using the invitation program contradicts rule 3.10?


If taking it literally, then actions like these shouldn’t be permitted, yet they are still allowed. Why? – That’s not as important.

Question №4: Is the process of gifting a technical clan for free, allowed?


The management of a clan can only be passed on without return, although in a situation with a military clan – only after agreeing on a new candidate for the post of the leader with other members of the clan.

But then everything has to be smooth, no one can be in the clan, except you yourself and the treasury must be empty.

Question №5: Is it allowed to take resources for selling? This means you getting transferred the resources for free, you selling them, leaving a part of the income with yourself and transferring the rest to the person that shared the resources.


For every unclear situation regarding financial operations, rule 1.5.1 exists.

Step 1: Purchase using the market’s price.

Step 2: Sell using the market’s price.

That way everything is inside the law.


A talk with the sheriff should do it...


There is only the option of spoken agreement. The player transfers the resources to you as a gift, you sell them and return the profit as a gift, but within the rules and with no guarantees.

This option is suitable if you are granting a service without any return.

Otherwise, it is put under the classification of "credit" and credits are forbidden in LWM.

Question №6: Is merchanting using prices lower than net cost just?


People are selling anything using a price lower than net cost because it’s a way to quickly sell something. This is the basic rule of any market.

If they’re selling something using a very low price, it can be considered as financial assistance.

Question №7: How long can leased artifacts lay with a blocked character?


A long time. Actually, players that gave away their artifacts for safekeeping to players that had already commited BOW, but didn’t get it in the end, got punished.

Question №8: I’m a storekeeper. I want to rent a set that is laying in the depository to someone outside. Can I?


Question №9: Abu-Bakir’s Charm ran out, yet there are still six lots going on on the market. What will happen?


They will remain there until the time of the lot runs out.

P.S. Furthermore, if your inventory is full, but the Charm isn’t active anymore, nothing will happen to the items in your inventory. They will remain there, however, any new artifacts won’t be available for purchase.

Question №10: I want to gift a rare artifact to a friend. Is this allowed?


3.15. There are limits for transfers intended as gifts. Gifts from a grantor to any particular player must not exceed 10,000 gold * [Combat level of the grantor] + 250 * [Diamonds obtained by the grantor through donations] per month.

3.15.1. Rare trophies, Thief invitations, etc. transferred as gifts are valued at market price at the time.


A discount of 15% from the average market price won’t be regarded as financial assistance.

I hope this article will save you from asking any extra questions. If you want to share a solution of unique financial dilemma with other players, write to my private mail. The better we will understand the mechanics of today’s market of LWM, the less prisoners there will be on the East Island.

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