Faction skills, parameters, and players

01.04.2018 13:30 / comments: 0 / view: 4218 /

Author: #1209 AcademHero

Translator: #1254 sasha_ama

This article presents some statistical analysis of balanced skill levels as well as parameters obtained from guilds development with some additions.

1. Balanced skill

As usual, this statistic covers active players that have participated in at least one battle during the last two weeks. The idea of such approach is to exclude possible distortion caused by blocked players or the ones that have left the game. Data below is as of middle of February of 2018. I am especially grateful to the player Xaser who has provided us with data from his website. It has been very useful. I’ve presented a similar article approximately one year ago, and this is basically an update of the average skill table. The table below presents a distribution of the number of players as a function of skill level for each combat level. For instance, it is clear from the table that the mode of skill level is 10 among the players with 14th combat level, it is 11 for the players with 15th combat level, and starting at 17th combat level it is 12. Comparing to the previous article players with skill level 13 have been added.

The table below:
  • The first column contains a combat level;
  • In the next nine columns you will find percentage of the total number of players having the corresponding skill level, from 5 to 13;
  • the last column contains total population size used for statistics for that particular combat level.

It is, of course, advantageous to have the highest faction skill level to do well in tournaments. For instance, below is the same table but with the Commanders’ Guild level not less than 1.

As in the previous table, the first column contains combat level, next few columns, but the last one, contain percentage of the total number of players having corresponding skill level, and the last column contains the population size used for the statistics.

As one could see the results in two tables are different but not substantially. That is because it is not so easy to make a damage to skill development nowadays.

2. Parameters

The following table represents the distribution of the sums of parameters obtained from guilds development by the players. Each column represents the distribution of the players having particular combat level. I would like to mention that this table does not cover Thieves’ guild and Rangers’ guild results, but considering all the comments for my previous article I will add that information later.

The table below:

the first column contains total number of parameters;

the first row contains combat level.

From now on in all tables if the value in the cell is greater than 0 its color is not red. FYI, the player with 1 (!) parameter at 13 CL is Sesurity, the one with 2 parameters at 14 CL is andyglk.

It is pretty easy to check yourself. One way to do that would be to sum up all the parameters obtained from each guild. An even easier approach (if you don't like math) could be used too:

  • Take off all your artifacts and reset your talents (provided that erudition or other talents that increase parameters have been chosen). Subtract potion and other effects if any;
  • Sum up parameters (attack, defence, spell power, and knowledge) at the character page;
  • Subtract combat level from the result (and subtract 1 more for the personal image, if any); add 1 for classic elf.

Let’s take myself as an example. We’ll get 38+8+0+0 = 46, and calculate parameters from guilds now: 46 - 4 (parameters from erudition) +1 (classic elf while writing this article) -17 (combat level) = 26 (for those willing to test algorithms, calculations for the table resulted in 26 as well). As one could see it is 5 parameters less than the top number for the 17th combat level. As the number of guilds, where opportunities to obtain parameters exist, is growing, it becomes important not to limit oneself with tournament experience, but to have grown up guild levels as well. Without that not a lot of choices remain, either to watch others, or to hope on good luck and/or excellent battle tactics. As one could see from the table, the difference between top and bottom levels of parameters, for instance, for 16CL is 27 – 8 = 19. And this is without considering clan parameters, donator bonuses, and so on.

Additional table below demonstrates equivalence between parameters and Thieves’ (or Rangers’) guild level divided by 3 and rounded to the near integer. For instance, 8-10 Thieves’ guild level would add 3 parameters. The reason is very simple: all factions have 1 parameter while classic elf has +3% initiative instead.

  • The table below:
  • The first column contains total number of parameters;
  • The first row contains combat level.

3. Thieves’/Rangers’ guild

The next table presents Thieves’/Rangers’ guild distribution for combat levels, just for reference. It uses maximum value of two guilds, because both of them provide additional initiative. Keep in mind that it is a row that represents CL in that table, not a column.

The table below:

  • The first column contains combat level;
  • The first row contains Thieves’ guild level.

17th level of Thieves’ guild… No comments ( #302 Ëåâèîôàí, 22 CL).

The same table but for the players with Commanders’ Guild level 1+ (as it has been done for skills before).

The table below:

  • The first column contains combat level;
  • The first row contains Thieves’ guild level.

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