Interview with the leader of European Foreign Legion Lord Patrickou

22.07.2013 17:54 / comments: 3 / view: 2558 /

Author: Henry IV

Whether a prince has such power that, in case of need,
he can support himself with his own resources,
or whether he has always need of the assistance of others...(c)
“The Prince” by Nicolo Machiavelli

I present you an interview with the leader of European Foreign Legion Lord Patrickou to your attention.

Greetings! Introduce yourself, please: your name, profession in a real life, how you were involved in the LWM project, and what is the most interesting thing for you here?

My name is Patrick and I am 44 years old. I am a database responsible in a logistic part of an international Office.

I used to play HoMM since the first in name (without number), and my favourite one is the 3-rd, with the extension "Armageddon Blade".

I am a father of 4 children, and the most laughable is that my son Calvin introduced me to the LWM project, because he is the fan of HoMM Series as well.

Shadow of the Death is better, isn’t it?)

I did not play this extension, to tell the truth, because it was not sold in France, but I have played some special extensions : Heroes Chronicles of...9 exist of this HoMM special version.

Tarnums adventures) prequel of the 4-th ones...


And what about Heroes 3.5 in the wake of Gods?

I do not know this version

Fanmode, very unusual and interesting, google it later.

I will, thanks for the info So, my first son introduced me to the game and from the beginning I was addicted to the role playing mode.

But the most interesting part was the "international" was awesome, I was addicted from the very beginning. So, the community is the most important part of this game for me, if we withdraw the community, the game is pointless...have I answered your first question?

Yes, certainly). What is your attitude to the Merge? What can you mark as strong and weak points of it?

To be honest there are two points of view for me.

Being on com was helpful to increase our gold and training ourselves in many guilds while nothing was happening, called The Dark Age, it was as hateful as helpful: hateful to be nothing compare with the RU server (frustrating on the one hand) and on the other hand we were handle to know the "pause" meaning, but on the other hand, while The Dark Age, many players stopped the game because of the lack of events and activities from Admins, especially on com.

When Arctic started to speak about the Merge potentiality, it was the solution of The Dark Age period on com, but many questions appeared...

Such as : Estate / Name Accounts / FSP ratio, etc.

The Merge was the best solution, offered for the com server. But many old com-players are still crying about the FSP difference from ru-players. I think that Admins should send them some tissues ;)

The server merge helped some MCs to merge and gather com-players to create some stronger old com MCs

So strong side is events and tournaments, weak side is ratio, true?

I guess so

Do you have problems with understanding because of the language (Russian interface, battle chats, communication, etc.)? In your opinion, does this project have friendly atmosphere?

I had an account on ru-server called Patrickou and played several months on ru-server!

At the beginning, I used google to translate, but after a while I had no fun... mainly because of the community...

I was in EC, but the interface of the Game was still from ru and the translation was approximate most of the time, so I prefered to play on com without events than on ru with events. It was not the case of many other players, but it was my case: the communication was the first barrier for me.

And how did you handle this?

Arctic told me that com will merge, so I knew that the whole com-community will join ru. Technically the merge with com-part was the solution for players like me...I feel like being on com -server with the activity of ru.

I sometimes hunt with ru players and I say: "privet", hello, hoping they are at least speaking few English words and, most of the time, it works perfectly.

EC means?)

Empire Crusader, but I left this MC, because I had no fun.

I see...just they are no Titans to know the abbreviation ;)

Titans should know the meaning of a real life)

What was the reason for creation your MC? What were the first steps? Problems? How did you overcome them?

This is a long story...At the beginning there were many strong clans, such as: Warrior Guild Wrath (the leader was kotrin in that time), League of Shadow, Elite Warrior.

I was not in any of them, I was really close to kotrin, and he was the only player to suggest and help me to create EFL.

At the beginning we were not challengers, but little by little we were able to exist. The MC was created because many players believed that pushing me can be the solution to find their place in "their own" MC, so, in few words, EFL was created with and for my oldest friends.

The Merge helped us to gather some old friends and I am proud to have them with us. For a long time we are using a sub clan: the warlord subclan.

From the information of your clan: since 2013-01-24 21:19, EFL is no more the OLD MC as before...what does it mean?

Many old players created the first merge of MC: Polish Elite Players, Guardians of Dragon, Elite Warriors joined us...

I am an old player, and I was a moderator on com... diplomacy is important, relationship, being helpful, and I need to admit that I act in the game like I act in a real life...

As many of us)

I am DAD... far far away from a dictator)

Was your clan successful on com-lands before the Merge?

The rank was from 3 to 5 depending on the events, so we were challengers. But if I look backward, we were nothing, it is a real pleasure to see this result today, as I said, my friends helped me.

But, for example, if we will compare with Angels and Daemons? Were they more succesfull or not?

Shoud I say that both Laitha and Jedi (// ) were in EFL like Arctic too? Too late, it is said D

Angels and Daemons were created long after MC strating point, 1 year after. And without event for MC, being in a MC was pointless to be honest

Jedi was able to gather many players from different MCs, and the mass called the mass: Angels and Daemons became stronger and stronger.


But if we had some MC event from the very the beginning, Angels and Daemons should not exist probably, but it is the history D

Did your MC face new problems after the Merge? If yes, give an example.

Before the merge Arctic was able to handle the rules and he gave us the solutions of problems and explained the bases of upgrades to us and etc.

Now, with the server Merge, Arctic needs to ask the Admins first before giving us the solutions or explanations: case of clans arts, fund and many other questions for MCs merge...before Arctic was able to give us his point of view, but now no more...only the Admins are giving their point of view.

Very seldom, I must say)

Yes, that is why I am saying that only the Admins, we both know the lack of communication we are having D

I would like to say, a huge one, thanks for Arctic, he was really helpful for the community.

From one press-conference to another) did he translate them for you by the way?

When I was moderator, he did so, their main ideas

But I left my mod status, after one year and a half, without salary D

Why did you leave? What was the problem?

When Arctic was in hibernate mode on com, we all know that Lexa was doing one part of his job, but we had cantbstopped too.

When I find out that Arctic was absent for ages and cbs named coordinator I left, Alexy was far far from Arctic attitude. I refused from salary as mod to stay as close to the community as possible...I was Sage and Chat moderator, but again I was more a daddy than a "real" moderator.

Tell us about the clan policy, what are your targets on the Empire lands? And what are your plans concerning this event?

A good question. Clan policy is easy: fun fun fun with friends, we are not playing to be absolutely first, but to rank if possible with max fun...being on the top something is our reward.

About Empire lands and events I should say: join us and you will know :P At the moment I am trying to introduce a new vision of the warlord clan: "Alliance" with one or two MCs.

With allies we will be able to face clan wars, else it will be more difficult than we can imagine and less fun for sure. But with the "alliance" word we will try something else: "diplomacy". The vision of the clan wars or war-game will be able only with many alliances, I guess that many ru MCs are already trying to prepare the next step and they probably know more than the com-server the meaning of alliance. I hope I replied your questions)

Certainly) Do you have a monarchy or a republic in your MC?

I am sharing my "leadership" with my warlords

Military council?

A sort of...they are more than military council - they are my friends

But you are somehow more equal or not?) in terms of decisions...

When I ask, they decide democratically, and I like it. In fact we are always thinking of fun and our clan, so democracy comes from ideas...else I dictate a daddy, honestly)

You do have some ru players in your clan, is it easy for them being in your MC in terms of communication and relationship?

I can add you in the warlord clan and I will let them reply this question. Many times I wanted to left the game, and most of my friends told me, that if I was leaving they will left the game as well...we gathered many friends and we are trying to have fun before something else.

My oldest ru is darkcanis, and he left ru MC to join EFL. I know him for a long time in EFL before the Merge and he helped us with translation and relationship with other MCs. In case of ru players joining EFL there will be the same feeling as I had when I played ru. But I am having my own relation, just I lack of Russian language D... should I remind you that I am French and French are noobs for foreign languages? )

I have heard you hate English and foreigners D

Nah...Frenchies are studdying a foreign language when born...FRENCH D In fact the French Education System was in late compared to other countries, that is why French people are not able to speak many languages.

Now they switched their point of view, and my first son is an example... So I hope he will be able to speak many languages with better English than I have.

I wish him luck. And I thank you for a nice interview)

RU version


1 / 02.08.2013 18:10 / DreamStrike [16] ?
Interesting interview

looking forward to more
2 / 05.08.2013 18:04 / Poison Ivy [14] ?
Very interesting :) even-though some grammar problem it is nice.

3 / 06.08.2013 08:52 / eddy_immanuel [14] ?
definitely fun reading it, lots of new info's....
good :)

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