MC leaders

20.02.2016 15:33 / comments: 0 / view: 767 /

Global changes in many MCs are being noticed. Due to some facts including clan wars which will be described in some further articles, many MC leaders left their positions and were replaced by other players.

#73 Орден Джедаев

03-01-16 23:03: Clan leadership handed over by RW_Alex to Мечник Мрака.

#57 Тридевятое королевство

05-01-16 09:37: Clan leadership handed over by Шрек to Maryana_k.

#27 Орда

08-01-16 17:12: Clan leadership handed over by dnte2 to Crag_Hack.

#476 "Путь Воина"

13-01-16 19:40: Clan leadership handed over byWolf_Blade to urlan.

#100 Молодые Герои

18-01-16 17:25: Clan leadership handed over by Skutarion to yastchh.

#7360 Rutenia II Гайдамаки

21-01-16 11:06: Clan leadership handed over by aztec1 to MrSidCrosby.

#2226 Elite angels

17-02-16 15:00: Clan leadership handed over by Dimenshion to Матрифулага.

#2517 The Dedicated Fighters

18-02-16 11:45: Clan leadership handed over by motrun to black_lotos.

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