Classic Necromancer guide

12.12.2015 21:52 / comments: 0 / view: 2238 /

Author: Mr Depresnyak

Here is a new guide for Classic Necromancers. This guide is designed for 13 combat level necromancers.


Requirements: an early upgrade of liches, 9 or higher faction skill level.

Talents: Basic defence+ vitality+expert erudition

Army: 5 envoys, 9 upgraded liches, 30 vampires (upgraded), 64 ghosts (upgraded), the rest are skeleton archers.

Parameters: 2 knowledge, all the rest - attack.

The most important thing in PvP battles is priorities. You have to understand whether you are winning a long range fight or your opponent is. You have to stay focused the whole battle, sometimes it is better to back off a little and wait for the enemy's buffs/debuffs to disappear before you strike.

Skeletons are really strong even in a close battle, so sometimes it is better to kill a quarter of an enemy's stack with your last shot, than to waste it killing another stack. Even a simple parameters’ analysis will give you an advantage. For example if your stack's attack is less than the enemy stack's defence by 1 point then it may be good to cast a ”Disruption Ray” on that stack, in order to change the damage formula completely. However you should not waste your mana, it might be useful for resurrection. Don't underestimate your opponent, all other factions have morale and some of them have luck as well. Play as though your stacks deal the lowest damage possible, and enemy's stacks have luck and burst for more action every second turn. Do not worry if you can't think about everything, experience comes with practice.

Classic Knights

The tactics is simple: shoot from your box and always check the initiative bar. You have to aim at crossbowmen, inquisitors and coming griffins. Cast curse with your liches on griffins (if they didn't fly away) or on crossbowmen, if they are still alive. Next turn, shoot inquisitors/monks, aim to kill griffin with your vampires and ghosts at the same time. In some cases you will have to shoot griffin with your skeletons (if ghosts won't have their turn before griffins). Next debuffs should be cast on coming guardians and cavalry. Try to setup your army, so that three of your stacks could attack guardians at the same time. (ghosts/vampires/envoys).





The most experienced knights buff their army first and then come in a turtle setup or with three attacking stacks (griffins will not use ”fall from the sky” in this case). These knights are really hard to play against, and necromancers usually loose in this case.

Most common mistakes vs knights:

Never underestimate crossbowmen, even if there are 10-15 left. They have a wide damage spread, which makes them equal to 30-120 skeletons. With their ability in a close range shot they can kill half of your stack. If you have divided your liches into 2 stacks, and you want to make a shot then shoot with a lich that DOES NOT cover skeletons. Liches by skeletons are more useful for casting debuffs. At the end of the battle you can use your mana to resurrect your liches and cast more debuffs.

Another important thing is protection of ghosts and vampires from guardians. You can use envoys for that. Even if guardians kill 12 vampires, it is almost impossible to get them back.

Holy Knights

Battles against Holy knights are completely different from template necromancer's battles. Necromancer has to rush in these fights. First of all, shoot crossbowmen, you will have to shoot them with liches as well, instead of debuffing your opponent. (it depends on the enemy's army). If HK has monks and brutes (100 crossbowmen in total), then you should shoot with liches as well. If your enemy has monks and crossbowmen, then you should debuff them. Try to block shooters with envoys/ghosts, as well as try to kill griffins with your vampires.




Another possibility is to move your skeletons forward after the first shot, so that you will make a straight shot with them.




The most important thing is to get rid of crossbowmen. If your opponent has two stacks, then you need to penetrate the box and send vampires or ghosts there. Curse is very useful as it will make their damage significantly lower.


Focus on archmages, as long as they have enough mana to clear liches' debuffs, otherwise focus on genes. Then focus on sphynx guardians and kill gargoyles.



However, your victory is possible only if the mage has 9 faction skill level. At 10 skill level mages get an upgrade in their mini-artefacts, which makes it impossible for a necromancer to defeat them.


Focus on keeping your vampire alive (protect it with your ghosts and envoys), cast poison on sphynx guards and curse gargoyles and sphynx guards, if possible.

Never put 3 stacks of ghosts (1-1-1) so that a fire ball can hit them, this might cost you your victory.

Classic Wizards

If a mage has 10 skill level, you will loose the battle with a 99% chance. If he has 9 skill level then you have a 30% chance to win.

Split skeletons into 2 stacks and put them into corners, split liches and close skeletons with them. Rush with all other stacks. Ghosts to gargoyles, shoot genes or archmages, envoys to sphynx guardians.




Leave 2 cells between your shooting stacks if you are going to rush, and don't clump your stacks because of the fire ball. If you have some small stacks, put them on dead genes or sphynx guards, instead of chasing the gargoyle with these weak stacks.


Necromancers usually win long range fights, unless the Elf is very lucky,. If you choose a defending tactics, shoot elven bowmen and druids, prevent unicorns from striking your main stacks (with a use of ghosts). It is more usefull to shoot with liches rather than debuff your enemy. You can debuff elite forest keepers or unicorns, once they are close and you think they will strike you next turn.



If you decide to rush, you will have to act depending on the situation, as it will change every turn. Just try to block shooting units, hit the enemy with your vampires, before unicorns or keepers attack them and of course prevent binding of ghosts or vampires.



If the enemy does not have an archer build, then you will win. Kill bowmen, wait for unicorns/keepers. Keepers will most likely strike liches or in the hole in front of skeletons, so it is really good to put a ghost there. Defend with envoys, so that even with ”befalling luck” unicorns won't be able to kill the whole stack. Vampires should be between liches and envoys.

Necromancers debuffers:

The main goal is to stay away from area spells. Curse skeletons with liches, right away. Keep your skeletons in one stack. First shoot enemy's liches if it is upgraded, curse skeletons with your 5 liches and use weakness on enemy' ghosts with your 4 liches. Focus on vampires, as they are very mobile. Then focus on ghosts and envoys. During the second turn you should attack with all your stacks already.



Necromancers attackers:

This is a mirror battle and everything depends on skills, ATB bar and experience.

Unholy necromancers

Curse on vampires, weakness on ghosts/envoys. Do not split your army and hold your stacks together, so that any of your stacks can stand on enemy's dead stacks. It is possible that UN would choose a defensive tactic, then you should move your skeleton forward (for a close shot). Usually after this move, enemy's ghosts would come closer to steal your ammo, in this case shoot them with your liches (in order to take away the missing chance for the next attack). But always target envoys. If you have casted curse on enemy's vampires/ghosts, then they are not really dangerous for you anymore.

The main mistake is to try to kill whatever UN sends for you to kill, with a hope that you won't touch his envoys. Once you kill the envoys, it will be much easier to fight against UN as they are 50% of his attacking power.


Start with the defending tactics and then switch to the rushing one. Cast weakness with liches on orcs and cyclops. If you haven't divided up your liches, then just shoot with them. You will win long range if barbarian won't be really lucky, otherwise it will be a draw. After you've killed orcs, focus on goblins and wolves. You aim at killing as many units as possible, so that you can simply outtank your opponent. If you've lost a long range battle, then rush, but don't let the enemy attack your ghosts or vampires. The most common mistake is underestimation, as barbarian heroes can mini-stun your stacks. If you want to know where on the ATB bar your stack will end up after the stunning blow, just move it 5-6 cells backwards on the ATB bar. Necromancers can not rely on random, you have have to calculate every single possibility.




The main mistake is to let goblins or wolves strike your stacks. You can let rocs kill your envoys or one of your liches stack.

Dark Elves-attackers

Don't split liches!!! Make a turtle out of skeletons, 9 liches and 3 ghosts. Usually you would loose 4-5 liches before they will have their turn, so curse lizards and weaken minotaurs. Shoot shrews asap, and then everyone who ever comes in a close shot range. You shouldn't pay attention to witches at all, leave them up to the end of battle. The most common mistake, is that most necromancers think that lizards will be killed/halved on retaliate. So most necromancers trade a stack for that. In this case DE can simply put lizards by a stack without attacking it and then ”eat” the stack using lizards' passive. It is also possible that DE picks ”Tactic talent” split lizards into 2 stacks, so that they will open up your box and die. In this case, don't be afraid of your opened box, just shoot all the shrews ad you should be fine.





Dark elves-chaosers

If DE has 10 skill level, upgraded hydras, and he is using defensive tactics you won't simply have enough endurance to hold against him. However if DE will try to rush, necromancer will win. Kill witches first and then focus on minotaurs. Don't split up liches. During the first turn shoot witches, during second poison hydra. You can split your skeletons into 2 stacks if you want.




If you decide to rush, don't split your army along the field, so that if DE decides to finish up your stack, you can hit him with your other stacks.

Example where a necromancer has splitted his army:


Lead ghosts to minotaurs, vampires there as well but from another side. Be careful and don't let lizards strike you with their maximum power.

Demons with Hellfire

Split ghosts and skeletons into two equal stacks. Shoot cerberi, spawns and horses. If demon splits up his succubi, then focus on them after cerberi. Always finish up demon's stacks even if there are 1-2 creatures left, as hellishfire would still deal a massive damage. You will have to rush, kill all the creatures on your way (even if they are summoned), avoid te fire ball and send your vampires and ghosts for succubi.






Make a box from envoys and split up skeletons equally. Main task is to hold your box, and kill whatever comes close to the box. Defend with envoys, and put vampires and ghosts infront of skeletons.




Darkness demons

It’s high time for you to pay back for all the trouble in group battles. ;)

Curse fiends, horse, temptresses. Send ghosts to drain mana from cave demons. Kill horses with vampires and envoys. Shoot fiends and vermins. Try to avoid massive debuffs. Don't split up liches, so that DD won't be able to wait for debuffs to expire. First shot to upgraded horses (if your enemy has one) otherwise focus on fiends. If the horse is defending then shoot fiends as well. Rush with envoys and vampires from one wing and with your ghosts from another. Protect your vampires with envoys from horses, and act depending on situation.






Try to avoid massive damage runes on dreadbanes, so that if your enemy uses it won't hit more than 2 stacks. If dwarf has a lot of berserkers curse them and then weaken ursaries. Shoot berserkers and kill dreadbanes once they come close. Try to surround ursaries. If a dwarf has a lot of spearmen then weaken and shoot them during the first turn. During the second turn shoot ursaries. Dwarves don't cause a lot of problems for necromancers.






Tribals have two different tactics: max centaurs or shamans. If centaurs are max, you should shoot warlords/commanders and curse centaurs. You can forget about centaurs for the first 3-4 turns, and block/attack them once they get 400-500 tribal spirit. It is important to focus one enemy stack with all your troops, and once you are done with it focus on the next one. If your enemy is defending, then poison commanders/warlords and enforces. If shamans are max, then start with focusing enforces and commanders as well, and just slightly move towards shamans. They will be dangerous at 5+ turn. It is possible to kill commanders and enforces by that time. In general Tribals have 2-3 attacking stacks while you have 5, so rush should work just fine. As I said before focus only on one stack at a time.





Mixed tournament

You should go as a debuffer with Basic Nature magic talent (for a better wasp swarm) with 7 spell power and 80 mana. Your aim is to slow enemy's attacking stacks down and pray to random, asking for good teammates. ;) Reward of MT is a mixture of luck and PvP experience. And even though you can not change first aspect you can work on the second one in duels. Spend 1-3 month in Commanders' guild, and you won't need any tips for MT.

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