Road to max smith and beyond
We have all had to use the services of a smith, but have you wondered just
To get from level 0 to level 1 (10% efficiency to 20%), you need 30 SG points. An art with 4,000 repair cost will give you exactly 1 point. Trainee smiths will often have customers who will partly pay for the repairs to help cover the costs.
Smith level | Efficiency / cost of repair | Cost to smith | Time spent (hours) |
0-1 | 10% for 10% | 108 000 | 30 |
1-2 | 20% for 20% | 160 000 | 50 |
2-3 | 30% for 30% | 238 000 | 85 |
3-4 | 40% for 40% | 348 000 | 145 |
4-5 | 50% for 50% | 490 000 | 245 |
5-6 | 60% for 60% | 664 000 | 415 |
6-7 | 70% for 70% | 852 000 | 710 |
7-8 | 80% for 80% | 964 000 | 1205 |
Investing in the smith will cost you 3,824,000, we will calculate how many arts you’ll need to send to a max smith for the same amount. We will assume you send arts to a max smith for 101% of the costs.
We will assume the average repair cost for 1 full AP battle is 941 . This is assuming a level 15 in seasonal arts (2 rings of cold, sword of cold, bow of light, clover of fortune), as well as extended durability flame arts and obsidian shield. We will ignore min AP battles as we just discard those arts rather than repair.
You would have to do 406,376 full AP battles to pay 3,824,000 in extra smithing costs, of course this figure is less if you use more expensive arts such as pirate set. As an example, Algor has done approximately 123,000 combats.
Smith level | Time x cost covered by smith (cost covered by customer) | Cost to smith |
0 | 30 х 4000 | 120 000 |
1 | 50 х 3600 (10%) | 160 000 |
2 | 85 х 3200 (20%) | 272 000 |
3 | 145 х 2600 (35%) | 377 000 |
4 | 245 х 1800 (45%) | 441 000 |
5 | 415 х 1680 (58%) | 697 200 |
6 | 710 х 1280 (68%) | 908 800 |
7 | 1205 х 800 (80%) | 964 000 |
At max smith, we will look at 2 scenarios and see how quickly you can recover your costs.
90% repair for 101% costs - 40 profit per hour of repair
90% repair for 105% costs - 200 profit per hour of repair
At 101%, you will need to work for 99,000 hours (3,960,000/40), 4,125 days of non-stop work (over 11 years).
At 105%, you’ll need to work for 19,800 hours, or only(!) 825 days (About 2.25 years). However given all the max smiths who are available, you will unlikely get much work at 105%.
If you only work 8 hours a day, it will take approximately 34 years (at 101%) and almost 7 years (at 105%).
Smith level | Repair price | Cost to smith |
0 | 10% for 15% | 102 000 |
1 | 20% for 25% | 150 000 |
2 | 30% for 35% | 221 000 |
3 | 40% for 45% | 319 000 |
4 | 50% for 55% | 441 000 |
5 | 60% for 65% | 581 000 |
6 | 70% for 75% | 710 000 |
7 | 80% for 85% | 732 000 |
Smith level | Repair price | Cost to smith |
0 | 10% for 0% | 120 000 |
1 | 20% for 10% | 180 000 |
2 | 30% for 20% | 272 000 |
3 | 40% for 30% | 406 000 |
4 | 50% for 40% | 588 000 |
5 | 60% for 50% | 830 000 |
6 | 70% for 60% | 1 136 000 |
7 | 80% for 70% | 1 446 000 |
Smith level | Repair price | Cost to smith |
0 | 10% for 5% | 114 000 |
1 | 20% for 15% | 170 000 |
2 | 30% for 25% | 255 000 |
3 | 40% for 35% | 377 000 |
4 | 50% for 45% | 539 000 |
5 | 60% for 55% | 747 000 |
6 | 70% for 65% | 994 000 |
7 | 80% for 75% | 1 205 000 |
Smith level | Repair price | Cost to smith |
0 | 10% for 20% | 96 000 |
1 | 20% for 30% | 140 000 |
2 | 30% for 40% | 204 000 |
3 | 40% for 50% | 290 000 |
4 | 50% for 60% | 392 000 |
5 | 60% for 70% | 498 000 |
6 | 70% for 80% | 568 000 |
7 | 80% for 90% | 482 000 |