Jewelry enchantments

10.10.2015 21:59 / comments: 0 / view: 1329 /

Authors: leninisback and Äæî

Today we are going to discuss magical artifacts (jewelry).

I. Types of artifacts and combats.

Let’s start from the bottom, here are examples of jewelry artifacts for different inventory slots:

Jewelry slots
 Ring  Neck Back  Left hand 

These modified artifacts are used in different combats such as

• Survilurgs battles;

• Quick tournaments;

• Clan wars;

• Events;

• PVE guilds.

That’s why this article is going to be useful for beginners.

II. About the crafting. Calculations of efficiency and optimality

There are 5 types of modifications for magical artifacts. You can find the cost in a table below:

Jewelry craft
Nature magic spell efficiency bonus 2%
Earth magic spell damage bonus 2%, ignore air shield 3%
 Air magic spell damage bonus 2%, ignore earth shield 3% 
Water magic spell damage bonus 2%, ignore fire shield 3%
Fire magic spell damage bonus 2%, ignore water shield 3%

II.I Spells and modifications

Here is a table showing relationship between spells and modifications’ types.

Nature magic spell efficiency bonus
 Magic punch   Wasp swarm   Raise dead   Summon elementals 

Earth magic spell damage bonus
 Earthen spikes   Meteorite rain   Decay  

Air magic spell damage bonus
 Magic arrow   Lightning   Chain lightning 

 Water magic spell damage bonus 
Ice clod Ice ring

 Fire magic spell damage bonus 
Fire wall Fireball

Besides that, some creatures' special abilities can also be improved by modifications.

• Undermine – earth magic damage craft;

• Call of thunder, summon storm – air magic damage craft;

• Hellfire, Inflame – fire magic damage craft.

We are not talking about creatures like sky shamans. They have lightning and it can also be improved by air damage craft, but we want to show you some things you can’t find in your magic book.

II.II Creatures' special abilities and magic resistance

Now let’s see some creatures' abilities related to piercing through magic resistance.

 Piercing through air shield 
Fortune genies Air elementals

Piercing through earth shield
 Earth elementals    Jade dragons 

Piercing through fire shield
 Patriarchs    Lava dragons    Firebirds  

Piercing through water shield
 Enchanted gargoyles    Water elementals    Great leviathans  

II.III Calculations of spell damage with modifications for bonus damage and resistance piercing

Let’s find out how to calculate spell damage with certain modification.

Randomly, we chose “Lighting” and “Summon elementals”.

Lightning  Òðåáóåò ìàíû5  (level 2)
Strikes target enemy stack with a lightning, dealing air elemental damage.
 11+11*Spell power
 13+13*Spell power
 15+15*Spell power
 17+17*Spell power

Let’s assume we have an expert chaos magic talent and 19 points of spell power. Let's count damage in this case:

Damage = 17 + 17 * 19 = 340

II.III.I.I Percentage on the artifacts

Modification on a certain artifact will increase damage for a claimed percent, but if you have two or more modified artifacts, the percentage will be counted according to a specific formula. For example, let’s say we have 2 rings and they both are crafted for 20% air bonus damage. In this case to calculate a final percent we should use«1-(1-õ)*(1-ó)» formula, where x and y are modifications of ring 1 and ring 2 in hundredths.

1-(1-0.20)*(1-0.20) = 0.36 or 36%

(not 40% as beginners could think)

Damage calculation example

Damage = 340 + 340 * 0.36 = 462.4

II.III.I.II Resistance piercing example

Lets take gargoyles with their immunity to the lightning (immunity is equal to 100% resistance). Without modifications for resistance piercing our lightning will not deal any damage but if we have “ignore air shield” modification, our attack will be successful. For example, we’ve crafted our artifact for 24% air magic piercing. Damage is the following:

Damage = 340 – 340 * 0.76 = 81.6

Here is an example for summoning spell.

Ïðèçûâ ýëåìåíòàëåé
Summon elementals  Òðåáóåò ìàíû17  (level 4)
Summons a random stack of elementals of Fire, Water, Earth or Air. The amount N of creatures summoned depends on Lord's spell power. There can only be one stack of summoned elementals on the battlefield per summoner at any moment of combat.
 N = 1 + 1*Spell power
 N = 2 + 1.5*Spell power

“Summon elementals” spell can be improved by nature magic spell efficiency modification.

II.III.II.I. Percentage on the artifacts

Let’s assume we have a nature magic modification of 16%, expert nature magic and 30 points of spell power.

Number of elementals without modification = 2 + 1.5 * 30 = 47

Number of elementals with modification = 47 * 1.16 = 54.52 ~ 54

III. Usage recommendations

For convenience modifications are marked as:

• Nature – [n]ature;

• Earth – [e]arth;

• Air – [a]ir;

• Water – [w]ater;

• Fire – [f]ire.

For more effective usage you’d better take into account “coupled modifications”. For example:

 A  Air magic spell damage bonus,
pierce through earth shield
Earth magic spell damage bonus
pierce through air shield

This way you can increase damage and resistance piercing at the same time.

Factions* Combat type Modification Price

Clan wars A12E12 439 605
TG and quick tournaments A7E7 146 535
Survilurgs A10E10 293 070

(that's just a recommendation)

*factions that can use spells of relevant magic schools

Other modifications are rarely used. There is no point in counting them.

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