Latest news

07.11.2018 01:37 / comments: 0 / view: 596 /

Today I would like to introduce a new article series for the english version of HWM Daily. Every second week we will post articles with the latest updates and rumours from across the Empire. The articles will be scheduled to come out on Sundays at 13:00 CET. Of course, if there would be something really important we will update you right away! This week we got three cool things to point out!

4th Campaign is on the way! According to a game update note that came out on Russian HWM Daily 4th campaign is about to come out. Meanwhile we can take a look at a creature that will presumably make it’s first appearance in the 4th Campaign- Torkvemada’s Spirit (“дух Торквемады” -rus.)

Torkvemada’s Spirit



2. After Левиофан has acquired over 40 000 Thieves’ Guild points, admins have extended the Thieves’ Guild table

At the same time Commanders’ Guild has been extended to level 12, while Hunters’ Guild has been extended to level 13.

3. On the 24th of October a very rare event has occurred. Algor [22] has overcome Noldor and is now the highest lord in the game (experience wise).

Hope it was useful! I, personally look forward to try the 4th campaign out.

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