New shop artifacts

24.03.2014 19:45 / comments: 6 / view: 1632 /

Author: Qwainos

All the artifacts from the chests of abundance are opened, some of them were really surprising. I’ll divide them into 2 different groups: PvP full-valued artifacts and low-valued artifacts oriented to be applied in PvE. So let’s see what has changed after their implementation.

The main artifacts

17th level – artifacts for Warriors

17th level – artifacts for Wizards

The difference between the old wizard’s set and a new one is +3 defence, +1% pierce through magic resistance, +5% initiative to Lord, 17% magic shield.

The difference between the old warrior’s set and a new one is +8% melee damage defence, +6% magic shield. If you equip the cloak with ranged damage protection, you’ll be additionally granted +1 defence and +2% ranged damage defence, if you equip the bow, then you will get +1% initiative and +2% to ranged damage dealt.

WARNING: Don’t forget the fact that the indicators are added according to the formula: Õ = (1 - (1-a/100) * (1-b/100) * (1-n/100)) *100, where à, b, n are the % separate indicators of each artifact’s appropriate features. Thus, for example, equipping new wizard’s artifacts (all 3 of them have 10% magic shield) you’ll be granted the following magic shield = (1 - (1- 10/100) * (1 -10/100) * (1 - 10/100)) * 100 = (1 - 0,729) * 100 = that is about 27% of magic resistance (instead of 30% as some people consider by mistake). The old wizard’s set has 12% of magic resistance comparing with the new set (27%), so the total difference is 15%, but not 17% (according to the artifacts’ info).

SUMMARY: Chaosers’ defence increases significantly at the 17th level, the Lord gets more initiative. If you think that 5% do not matter, you are mistaken.

For example, let's have a look at some PvP battle where we can find archers with basic initiative 10 (A) and a Lord-caster (L).

If you equip an old magic set (+10% initiative), ATB scale often looks like this: A - L - A - L.

If you equip a new magic set (+15% initiative), ATB scale will be like this:

A - L - L - A.

There are many other nuances. For example, Lords will be able to catch the landing griffin, which has flown on the first turn, etc. The creatures with the basic initiative = 9 (if you equip a full set, they will have the initiative in the range of 11-12, it depends on the skill points and TG level), will lose the "initiative race" making the first move only after the Lord’s cast. Wizard’s magic shield increases too.

Warriors’ melee defence also increases, the magic resistance and ranged damage defence don’t increase so much (the last one increases only in case of equipping the cloak). The only damage dealt increase is possible in case of equipping the bow that results in +2% to the ranged damage dealt...

The disbalance at the 17th level (in favour of wizards) is evident. Likely it will be corrected by the increase in the number of troops during the following mini-balances.

18th level – artifacts for Warriors

18th level – artifacts for Wizards

The warrior’s sword grants a difference in 1% melee damage dealt and +1 defence. The wizard’s staff grants a difference in +2 defence, +1% pierce through magic resistance. In addition, if you desire to cast magic spells even stronger, there is an opportunity to replace the old shield (+5 defence, 15% ranged damage protection) with the new manuscript: +2 defence, +2 spell power, +2 knowledge, +5% pierce through magic resistance. Considering how much defence was put into wizard’s artifacts, but there wasn’t any attack added to the warrior’s artifacts, feel free to do it without any troubles...

In general it’s clear that the disbalance at the 18th level in favour of wizards is even greater; wizards become really "thick" in terms of defence and they even have more DPS (damage per second) while equipping the manuscript. Warriors can boast a pathetic 1% increase of melee damage dealt and 2% increase of ranged damage dealt…

19th level – artifacts for Warriors

19th level – artifacts for Wizards

A new wizard’s jewelry set differs by +3 defence, +2% pierce through magic resistance, +5% initiative to Lord.

If you equip warrior’s defence jewelry, you’ll be granted +2 defence and +2% initiative. If you equip warrior’s attack + initiative (rusher) jewelry, you’ll be granted +8 defence and -5% initiative.

There is also a new shied that grants +1 defence and +2% ranged damage defence.

There is no attack increase. If there was a choice between "a lot of initiative" and "a lot of defence" before, due to the absence of new "initiative jewelry" the difference between these two kinds of jewelry is significant enough to make a choice in favour of initiative. So, probably, many warriors would rather prefer the jewelry of the 19th level to the old one. It means the warriors have increase only in the defence points. At the same time wizards get another bulk of defence points, Lord’s acceleration and pierce through magic resistance… All these things let them kill warriors even more efficiently.

Eventually, at the 19th level the chaosers’ defence against warriors increases by +9, they also get +2% ranged damage defence (in case of equipping a shield). The casters’ initiative increases by 10%, the pierce through magic resistance increases by +4% (9% with manuscript equipped instead of shield) vs +6% of warriors’ magic shield. The magic resistance also increases greatly. As for warriors, only the melee defence increases, there is no growth in attack points, there is an addition to the damage dealt in the amount of 1-2% due to sword & bow.

To sum up, the new artifacts strengthen all the Lords with chaos magic builds, nature magic builds and supporters (with holy and dark magic builds). If the MG level 5 will be introduced in future, warriors risk dying out as a class under such conditions.

In economic terms new artifacts are more expensive than the old artifacts (each one is approximately 1000 gold more expensive), a new manuscript that hasn’t had any substitute for 8 levels is an exception.

Low-valued artifacts
14 th level

16 th level

17 th level

New artifacts are suitable for all occasions... At the 17th level new warrior’s set will have: +13 attack, +26 defence, +3% initiative, +10% magic shield, +7% ranged damage defence, +6% melee defence, +6% melee damage dealt, +1 morale, +64 AP.

New wizard’s set will have: +1 attack, +21 defence, +3% initiative, +5 spell power, +6 knowledge, +10% magic shield, +7% ranged damage defence, +6% melee defence, +64 AP.

Set cost = 9200 gold + 142 secondary resources + 166 primary resources = approximately 95500 gold, artifacts’ durability is 30-46.

I’d like to mark out the "Dragongrin charm" artifact. Due to the fact that it has "Morale" point, it can be used in PvP combats as Amulet of fortune by those who like to "knock out the tambourine" (= to thrash everybody), as well as by the characters using the "Retribution" talent.

Cost per combat (click here to see the table)
Item Cost Cost per combat
Helmet of dawn 21 760 108.8
Cuirass of dawn 28 540 143
Boots of dawn 26 100 130.5
Dragonwing cloak 9 600 112
Twilight piercer 30 400 163.7
Helmet of twilight 21 760 108.8
Armour of twilight 28 000 140
Jackboots of twiligh 26 100 130.5
Mantle of eternity 30 000 161.5
Gladius of presage 53 400 267
Staff of eclipse 53 360 266.8
Manuscript of focus 31 000 155
Amulet of zeal 33 200 178.8
Ring of intrepidity 34 000 183.1
Shield of dawn 31 460 157.3
Necklace of ultimate truth 33 200 178.8
Band of incessancy 34 240 184.4
Dragonscale shield 11 780 108.3
Helmet of grace 11 040 96.6
Boots of grace 9 740 113.6
Breastplate of grace 13 080 104
Sword of harmony 18 200 138.5
Staff of oblivion 14 660 138.7
Aegis of suppression 12 080 120.8
Dragongrip ring 8740 102
Dragongrin charm 13 200 154
Signet-ring of unity 8 740 102
Amulet of unity 13 200 154
by 37roman


1 / 24.03.2014 20:00 / l_e_s_e_n_a [13] ?
how do you like this article (and translation)?
2 / 24.03.2014 20:50 / Poison Ivy [15] ?
nice article, translation is not bad.   but still art picture description gives Russian not English(i mean if you put cursor on artifacts picture it shows non-English)  
3 / 24.03.2014 21:23 / Edwin [16] ?
Always good to find new articles  
Keep up the good work
4 / 24.03.2014 22:10 / l_e_s_e_n_a [13] ?
Poison Ivy, thank you. you are right, I'll correct the links

Edwin, thank you)
5 / 24.03.2014 22:47 / l_e_s_e_n_a [13] ?
Cost per combat table is added  
6 / 27.03.2014 00:48 / _-_Kratos_-_ [17] ?
Very interesting article, thanks    

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