Sir Jedi Knight and gamblers' guild

13.05.2015 20:58 / comments: 0 / view: 874 /

Author: leninisback

Hi! We know your name is Jedi! :D So, why do you like Gamblers' guild, why do you play cards?

If my memory is correct, this is my first character in the game.

When I saw your question, I looked back at my logs to see when I played my first card game. I realized that I played my first card game on the first day of playing this game!

Of course, on that first day, I didn't know about Experience tables, or levelling up bonus etc. I was just trying out all the different aspects of the game.

But I like playing cards to take my mind off fighting and relax a little. Of course, later on I discovered the free bonus daily Luck drink and I really wanted it. So, I pushed hard to get it.

After I got level 15, I slowed down a lot, but still play it when I have the time to relax and take my mind off fighting battles. :)

You have a great experience of playing cards, tell us what is the key of victory?

I personally (different players may think differently) believe that Tavern card games are 50% luck, 50% skill.

In a one-off game (or even a few games), a lesser-skilled player may win. But in the long run (100s and 1000s of games), the better skilled players will ALWAYS win.

Even though the maximum stake for a card game is only 20k, some players have over 10-20 MILLION gold winnings (how!?)

So there are only 2 possible reasons for this:

• these players are very very good,

• these players are using some illegal scripts or have other accounts 'supporting' (deliberately losing) them.

I have no proof on players using illegal scripts (I think it is very hard for even admins to check them), so I choose to believe these players with huge Tavern profits are very good and skilled players.

I am not a good card player, so I try to avoid playing card games with players with huge profits. :)

Same reason I won't play golf with a professional golfer, or enter a boxing ring with a boxing world champion. :)

I basically play to relax my mind from battles. :)

Nice! What are the differences and similarities between playing the maximum stake in card games and fighting in tournaments? Why did you choose the 1st thing?

I believe most [but not all] players play tournaments for the medals in character profile and achievements. Players play maximum stakes card games to try to make quick gold/profits.

For me, tournament takes too long and I have to leave my computer without noticed sometimes. I prefer the faster few minutes card games to relax. If I win gold, it's a bonus. :)

For tournaments, I still wish to win the [256 players] 'Sunny City Cup' card tournament. It is the only card tournament I have not won. But it is very hard to win as there are many good players. But I will keep trying. )

Ok, let’s talk about other thing - cards! How do you think, which card is not balanced and must be upgraded?

I think the existing 102 cards are quite balanced, although if a player has the 3 [blue, red and green] 'dragons', his chance to win is very high.

So, I don't think any cards should be 'upgraded'. Maybe admins can add 1-2 new cards to the deck every 3-6 month to 'freshen' the card playing experience. :)

What a wonderful idea! What is your favourite card?

Most would say the 3 Dragon cards. I would say the same. :)

But at start of game, I like to have 'Troll Instructor' [+2 Barracks] and any cards that give +1-2 to Monastery.

If you had a 20 million profit, how would you spend it? :)

If I had 20 million profit [impossible for me though! haha.. :D], I would get a Unique Character Image, and build the rest of my faction castles. :)

Thank you, good luck in tavern! :D

Thanks. It's been a pleasure talking with you. :)

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