FAQ: Secrets of Tactics

28.07.2022 04:28 / comments: 1 / view: 1162 /

How will battles be played?
In 1 vs 1 PvE format in Leaders Guild format (creatures only from the LG, there is no Lord or Lady, the talents and the faction skills do not work, the artifacts do not work and do not break, the creatures’ artifacts is working, the creatures die as in the usual battles of the LG - the Lord or Lady pays for the resurrection, while common (white) ones are not resurrected).
Enemies can have an army of creatures without a Hero, an army commanded by a Hero, or two Heroes. Enemies can be located on a regular battlefield, in a village (may have houses and archer towers) or a castle (may have moats and shooting towers).
The speciality of the event is that starting from the 1st battle the elf Bean XI will fight on the side of the Lord or Lady - a unique Hero on the battlefield, which is upgraded with each battle and receives new spells, abilities and stats. Because of this, there will not be as many completely identical passages of high waves as in the LG event without such an assistant.

Where is the Bean XI?
Bob joins the Lord's/ Ladies army from the very first battle.

In the news and on the forum they say that Bean XI is a reference to some odious character and great tactician. Who is it?
Bean XI is a direct reference to the character стручок2012. In 2010, one of the players created it and went into battles with it, behaving in them as comically and absurdly as possible (tried to take the response from the griffin with a fairy, took the Tactics talent and place the archers in the first line, etc.), then made the community laugh greatly, but was eventually blocked for violating the rules. But everyone liked this "joke" so much that it was repeatedly referred to in the creative works of the players and even official news.

Why is Bean XI upgraded differently for everyone? How to upgrade it?
It upgrades the characteristics that you use in battle:
- if you run around the battlefield, speed + initiative upgrades
- waiting - initiative
- defend - defense
- hit in melee combat - attack and damage
- take damage - defense and hit points
- spelling - the amount of mana, spell power + new spells (if you cast Nature, then the Nature Magic, starting with the "Magic Punch", if you cast buffs - the Holly Magic, starting with the "Bless").
Please, note - the effectiveness of Holy magic spells can eventually become even higher than the maximum effectiveness of spells of a normal Lord or Lady with Expert Holy Magic talent. For example, "Evasion" can theoretically reach 100% effectiveness.
- during the upgrade, new abilities are also added, for example, if the Lord or Lady attacks a lot - "Bloodlust", takes a lot of damage - "Shielded"
If you do different actions in battle, then all the used characteristics are upgraded evenly - the reinforcement is distributed into them (the effect of the reinforcement is the smaller, the more parameters are upgraded). Due to the small reinforcement effect, it may not be noticeable and you will have to spend another battle in order for this to somehow affect the improved parameters.
If the battle ended before Bean’s XI turn and he did not have time to do anything, then the progress will be distributed evenly and with a very weak effect in all areas of progress. This is unprofitable from the point of view of the effectiveness of his upgrading in the long term, so it is worth participating in the battle in such a way that Bean XI makes a turn at least once.
If Bean XI dies in battle, then most of the progress goes into increasing survivability (hp, defense), which in general can spoil the optimal upgrading, so he must be protected. According to observations, even if you resurrect or raise Bean XI after death, when calculating the progress, he will still be considered dead, therefore, in this way, it will not be possible to avoid the progress going into increased survivability.
When defeated in a battle on waves 1-50, Bean XI does not upgrade at all. This can be used if he was killed in battle - lose the battle and thus avoid losing upgrading points for survival, and then go through the wave again, having already saved Bean XI (if you don’t mind the gold, of course). On 50+ waves, it also upgrades in case of defeat in battle
The list of the acquired abilities can be viewed here.

What to upgrade for Bean XI so that he can be as useful as possible on higher waves?
It's hard to say for sure at the moment, as we don't know what stat increases and what new abilities he will get at max leveling - this will only become known towards the end of the event.
Nevertheless, it can already be assumed that the upgrading of Bean XI through Nature or Holy Magic can be quite promising (when compared with other similar characters in such events - in particular, Khalifa and Vidomena).
You can compare the effectiveness of the most upgraded Beans XI here.

Is it possible to see somewhere outside of combat how my Bean XI is currently upgraded?
Yes, and not only to see, you can share a link to your personal Bean XI.
To do this, follow the link https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=elfik - there you will see the current progress of Bean XI.
Also on this page, a new link will be generated for the Lord or Lady, which can be copied from the address bar of the browser and transferred to other Lords and Ladies.

Are there new creatures?
Yes, you can see them here.

Where can I read the plot of the event?
Follow the link.

What are the buildings on the battlefield?
On the battlefield there can be Robber Lairs, Mechanic Factories, Gates of Hell, which will spawn new units of enemies every turn (units that have left the buildings re not considered summoned, they will also have to be killed to win!).
Lairs and Factories are not displayed in the list of enemies in the description of the wave on the event page. You can see them in advance in the service service from omne.
These buildings in most cases it is desirable to destroy as quickly as possible. Creatures with the defense ignoring (Lizard cavalry, Lizard assailants, etc.) and creatures that hit 2-3 times (Wolf Raiders, Sailors Strangers, etc.) are best suited for this, as well as builds of various gnolls, who will receive additional hits thanks to the Pack Raid.

Among the enemies I see a creature without a quantity indicator. What does it mean?
This means that in battle, this creature will be a monster.

What about the difficulty of the waves?
So far, there are no special disbalances or problems with difficulty - the first 10 waves are relatively easy.

How to prepare for a wave?
There is a service from omne.
Even if you don’t want to use ready-made passages, it’s worth watching the waves in the service, since the list of enemies shows buildings that summon units (robbers’ lairs, mechanic factories), castle walls and towers, which are not displayed in the standard event interface in the game.
In addition, there are archer towers in the enemies, it is worth looking at an example of a battle - after all, they can be both completely weak and very damaging and capable of causing huge losses or completely losing the battle for you
Battles in the service appear due to the fact that Lords and Ladies download them there, so if you are an altruist or want to motivate others to add examples to the service, you can upload your own there.

Is it worth going to 50+ waves at once?
No, there is a limited number of attempts. So it's worth waiting for the passage in the omne service mentioned above and only then go.

I have a low level of LG, and the enemy armies are difficult, what should I do?
You can purchase a LG potion from the event page, which will give either LG level 7 (17,000 leadership, price is 12,000) , or LG level 9 (19,000 leadership, price is 20,000). Thanks to this, you will be able to recruit more units while the strength of the enemy in the event will not change..
If you intend to pass the event to the maximum, then you should drink a potion for 9 lvl LG - otherwise you will spend more on resurrections and losses.
The potion works not only in the event, but also in other LG battles (in normal missions and in battles against particularly dangerous bandits). But keep in mind that normal fights can be difficult for you, since usually players with real 7 and 9 levels of LG have stronger creatures than players with low LG levels.

The news mentions that you can purchase LG creatures, where exactly? Are they purchased forever or just for the duration of the event?
You can purchase creatures using the "Purchase Creatures" link.
Yes, after the purchase, they remain at your disposal forever.

Is it worth purchasing these creatures?
If you don't have Lizard assailants - yet, be sure to purchase it, at the moment this is one of the most useful units in the LG in principle. This squad is great for completing regular LG challenges, and for effectively passing 1.5-point challenges and dangerous bandits manually, and is necessary for LG events - many waves are passed with the Lizard assailants in plus, some waves cannot be completed without them, in addition, Lizard assailants are mandatory for mercenaries in LG paired events.
Also, among the proposed creatures Vermins, are definitely good and worth their money, so if you don’t have them yet, then it’s worth purchasing. They can be needed on the waves or in challenges where you need to defeat a caster hero.
A good epic creature is the Lorekeepers, which can often be useful for passing through some waves of LG events and dangerous bandits.
Not bad Behemoths - there are effective builds with them for completing the usual LG challenges. But 600k is not worth it, it makes sense to take it only if such an amount is not a pity.
Occasionally, Птицы грома - can come in handy for passing dangerous bandits and waves of LG events - thanks to their speed 9. But this is such a rarity that it is also hardly worth spending 600k.
The rest of the epic creatures are practically useless, especially considering that they are not sold in stacks for 10k of leadership, because of which they will be relatively flawed in GL tournaments, and if their leadership decreases, it will also be impossible to get a full stack in regular LG battles.
Frontier ursary can be purchased at least to speed up the exchange in the future, but in battles they are sometimes useful for dealing with any strong enemy monostacks, especially monsters.

In this event, only the top 100 players by points count towards the clan? How to understand who belongs to them?
Yes, only the top 100 players give the points to the clan. For the top players, the number of points (displayed in the list of clan members) is highlighted in blue.

And the rest of the clan members will not receive a reward in the form of LG creatures if they do not get into the top 100 of the clan?
It is not necessary to be in the top 100, the clan reward will be received by all its members who score 15 points, i.e. win 15 battles.

If several Lords or Ladies have the same result in the individual rating, will there be the same reward? Or will the one who played first get it?
The reward will be the same, however, if 116 Lords and Ladies have passed the maximum wave, and other Lords and Ladies have scored a little less, then 116 Lords and Ladies will be top 1, and the rest with the same completed lower wave of top 117 will receive the corresponding reward.

Will points for battles received outside of some military clan be counted to this military clan after the Lord or Lady joins it?
If a player, after joining the military clan, passes at least one wave for it, then all the points he previously earned will belong to this military clan.

If I need LG creatures, but I don’t play events very well, then how can I get a clan reward?
To do this, there is a system of sitting in the clan like a "passenger".

What are some tips for passing the event?

  • Buy a LG potion (for 9 LG ) if you are going to the event. It's better to buy a LG potion right away than to lose 30k and end up buying it on wave 30 anyway;
  • Do not be lazy to watch passes in the service from omne, there, firstly, you will see potential perils that are not visible in the description of the wave at the event (buildings that summon enemies; the boss is too strong; the presence of shooting towers, etc.), during secondly, you can find the cheapest way to get through the wave;
  • If you do not have Lizard assailants, be sure to purchase if possible - this is an extremely useful unit in the LG.

If you find an error in the FAQ or consider it important to add any information to the article - write to the Паук-призрак character in a personal mail!


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