Sword of cold effectiveness

29.06.2015 11:24 / comments: 1 / view: 1517 /

Author: leninisback

This article is devoted to Sword of cold:

Let's analyze this artifact.

For example, we have 19 CL, meaning we gain +9 attack (19/2 = 9.5) and +1 as an artifact's basic parameter, overall - +10 attack and +9% extra damage with water magic.

It is necessary to point out now that due to the artifact's enchantment it is already one step ahead on the ladder since it's analogues give only melee (!) bonus damage: e.g mithril longsword increases the melee damage by 5%, blade of rebirth with the same effect increases it by 9%, but sword of cold will increase not only melee damage, but ranged damage too.


1)Increasing melee damage by Х%.

This bonus is being countered (resisted) with melee defense, e.g "Basic defense" talent.

In this particular example we will use damage formulas, random creature and our fantasy.

Attention! This example will be used in all further calculations!

Let's take vampire (5 pcs.), who has basic 6 attack, 5 defense and 6-8 damage (we will take the average - 7), and also the defending skeleton with 1 attack and 2 defense.

Normal damage without artifacts = 5*7*[1 + 0.05*(7-2)] = 43,75.

Damage with the equipped artifact with 5% bonus melee damage = 5*7*[1+0.05*(7-2)]*1.05 = 45,93.

Damage with 5% damage and 5% melee defense = 5*7*[1+0.05*(7-2)]*1.05*0,95 = 43,64.

If "attack" parameter of the attacking creature will be higher than the "defense" of the defending one, then:

total damage = number of attacking creatures*damage*[1+0.05*(attack-defense)].

2) + X% extra damage with water magic per every 2 combat levels of the Lord.

Is countered by magic defense, immunity to water (it is important to note that only at 10% of its effectiveness) and enchantment of water magic defense (at full percentage).

Example: Let’s take "Magic defense" talent with 20% effect. This means that if it works at 10% of it's effectiveness - it will resist only 2%.

The next point is the immunity (let's take black dragons), it is important to know that immunity is a 100% magic defense. Ability XXX will work at the same 10%, meaning at 10% overall.

The next is 10% water damage enchantment and, for example, 20% water defense enchantment.If a vampire has this weapon, and skeletons have such "defense" (for easier calculations we will take 100 basic damage), we will get this:

100 - 100*1.1*0.8 = 88

Now we will compare our unique weapon with a standard shop artifact and find it's effectiveness for melee and ranged attacks:

Sword of might Sword of cold
Level: 7
+5 , +3 +1 (basic parameter),
+3 , +3% (bonus)

Normal damage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (7 –2)] = 43,75

Damage with the sword of might = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (12 –2)] = 52,5.

Damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (11 –2)] * 1.03 = 52,27.

Sword of might is more effective than sword of cold by 0,44%.

Also pay attention that we didn't compare initiative and showed you a trivial example (in a different battle with other circumstances, with the use of special talents, artifacts and etc., this could have been a completely different story).

Now let's compare a sword of cold on a higher level with the best artifact available on this level (meaning there is no better weapon than sword of might at 8 CL, even though it is available at 7 CL).

Sword of might Sword of cold
Level: 8
+5 , +3 +1 (basic parameter),
+4 , +4% (bonus)

Normal damage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (7 –2)] = 43,75.

Damage with the sword of might = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (12 –2)] = 52,5.

Damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (12 –2)] * 1.04 = 54,6.

Sword of cold is more effective than sword of might by 3,85%

Mithril longsword Sword of cold
Level: 9
+6 , +2 ,
Increases melee damage dealt by 5% (bonus)
+1 (basic parameter),
+4 , +4% (bonus)

Normal damage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (7 –2)] = 43,75.

Damage with the mithril longsword = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (13 –2)] * 1,05 = 56,96.

Damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (12 –2)] * 1.04 = 54,6.

Mithril longsword is more effective than sword of cold by 4,15%.

But now let’s compare a sword of cold and a mithril longsword, in case when you have ranged units in your army:

Ranged damage with the mithril longsword equipped = 5*7*[1+0.05*(13-2)]= 54,25.

Ranged damage with the sword of cold equipped = 5*7*[1+0.05*(12-2)]*1.04 = 54,6.

Archers are more effective with the sword of cold equipped rather than mithril longsword by 0,65%

Let's see what the damage will be if our enemy has a maskrobe (12% ranged defense):

Ranged damage with the sword of cold (againsta maskrobe) = 5*7*[1+0.05*(12-2)]*1.04*0.88 = 48,04.

The sword's effectiveness immediately drops by 12.02%, but it will be still better than a mithril longsword, its damage would be 47,74.

But we should not forget that archer-builds use bows and they increase ranged damage. A composite bow increases the ranged damage by 15%.

Ranged damage with a sword of cold and a composite bow (against a maskrobe) = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (12 –2)] * 1.04 * 0.88 * 1.15 = 55,24.

The result is that the effectiveness with a bow equipped (against a maskrobe) is increased by 1,16%.

Mithril longsword Sword of cold
Level: 10
+6 , +2 ,
Increases melee damage dealt by 5% (bonus)
+1 (basic parameter),
+5 , +5% (bonus)

Normal damage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (7 –2)] = 43,75.

Damage with the mithril longsword = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (13 –2)] * 1,05 = 56,96.

Damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (13 –2)] * 1.05 = 56,96.

Mithril longsword and sword of cold are equal here (0% difference), but since longsword has +2 initiative - he is the champion.

We won't calculate the effectiveness of the sword of cold for archers since it will be always higher than its analogue.

Ruby gladius Sword of cold
Level: 12
+7 , +1 ,
Increases melee damage dealt by 7% (bonus)
+1 (basic parameter),
+6 , +6% (bonus)

Normal damage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (7 –2)] = 43,75.

Damage with the ruby gladius = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (14 –2)] * 1,07 = 59,92.

Damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (14 –2)] * 1.06 = 59,36.

Ruby gladius is more effective than sword of cold by 0,93%.

We have come to a certain point where we can show you why the effectiveness in this particular situation will be the same.

Damage with the ruby gladius, but without 7% = 100.

Damage with the ruby gladius with 7% = 107.

Damage with the sword of cold without bonus water magic damage = 100.

Damage with the sword of cold with bonus = 106.

Ruby gladius is more effective that sword of cold by 0,93%.

Ranged damage with the ruby gladius = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (14 –2)] = 56.

Ranged damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (14 –2)] * 1.06 = 59,36.

Archers are more effective with the sword of cold, rather than ruby gladius by 5,67%.

Ruby gladius Sword of cold
Level: 14
+7 , +1 ,
Increases melee damage dealt by 7% (bonus)
+1 (basic parameter),
+7 , +7% (bonus)

Normal damage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (7 –2)] = 43,75.

Damage with the ruby gladius = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (14 –2)] * 1,07 = 59,92.

Damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (15 –2)] * 1.07 = 61,79.

Sword of cold is more effective than ruby gladius by 3,03%.

Blade of rebirth Sword of cold
Level: 15
+8 ,
Increases melee damage dealt by 9% (bonus)
+1 (basic parameter),
+7 , +7% (bonus)

Normal damage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (7 –2)] = 43,75.

Damage with the blade of birth = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (15 –2)] * 1,09 = 62,94.

Damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (15 –2)] * 1.07 = 61,79.

Blade of birth is more effective than sword of cold by 1,83%.

Ranged damage with the blade of birth = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (15 –2)] = 57,74

Ranged damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (15 –2)] * 1.07 = 61,79.

Archers are more effective with the sword of cold rather than blade of rebirth by 6,56%.

Blade of rebirth Sword of cold
Level: 16
+8 ,
Increases melee damage dealt by 9% (bonus)
+1 (basic parameter),
+8 , +8% (bonus)

Normal damage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (7 –2)] = 43,75.

Damage with the blade of birth = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (15 –2)] * 1,09 = 62,94.

Damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (16 –2)] * 1.08 = 64,26.

Sword of cold is more effective that blade of rebirth by 2,06%.

Gladius of presage Sword of cold
Level: 18
+8 , +1 ,
Increases melee damage dealt by 10% (bonus)
+1 (basic parameter),
+9 , +9% (bonus)

Normal damage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (7 –2)] = 43,75.

Damage with the gladius of presage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (15 –2)] * 1,10 = 63,52.

Damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (17 –2)] * 1.09 = 66,76.

Sword of cold is more effective rather than gladius of presage by 4,86%.

Ranged damage with the gladius of presage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (15 –2)] = 57,74.

Ranged damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (17 –2)] * 1.09 = 66,76.

Archers are more effective with the sword of cold rather than gladius of presage by 13,52%.

Gladius of presage Sword of cold
Level: 20
+8 , +1 ,
Increases melee damage dealt by 10% (bonus)
+1 (basic parameter),
+10 , +10% (bonus)

Normal damage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (7 –2)] = 43,75.

Damage with the gladius of presage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (15 –2)] * 1,10 = 63,52.

Damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (18 –2)] * 1.10 = 69,3.

Sword of cold is more effective rather than gladius of presage by 8,35%.

Ranged damage with the gladius of presage = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (15 –2)] = 57,74.

Ranged damage with the sword of cold = 5 * 7 * [1 + 0,05 * (18 –2)] * 1.10 = 69,3.

Archers are more effective with the sword of cold rather than gladius of presage by 16,69%.

The effectiveness of the sword of cold in melee combat (in comparison with its analogue) on the same combat level:

7 level: ▼ 0.44%
9 level: ▼ 4.15%
12 level: ▼ 0.93%
15 level: ▼ 1.83%
18 level: ▲ 4.86%
20 level: ▲ 8.35%

The effectiveness of the sword of cold in ranged combat (in comparison with its analogue) on the same level:
9 level: ▲ 0.65%
12 level: ▲ 5.67%
15 level: ▲ 6.56%
18 level: ▲ 13.5%
20 level: ▲ 16.7%

The effectiveness of the sword of cold in melee combat (in comparison with its best analogue):
8 level: ▲ 3.85%
10 level: ▼ 0.00%
14 level: ▲ 3.03%
16 level: ▲ 2.06%


1 / 29.06.2015 11:37 / Poison Ivy [16] ?
Cool thanks for the info  

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