
Mini interview with leaders of #104 and #8504

06.03.2019 02:36 / comments: 0 / view: 444 /

Author: #1180 àðàõíàèäà

Translation author: spartak142

#104 Astronics

What is your name and how long have you been the clan Leader?

My name is Sergei and I became the head of Titans a little over a year ago, in February 2018.

During “Tomb of the Sun” event Titans have gotten the first place, your emotions?

I am proud of my clanmates! I am grateful for their courage and effort. I would also like to thank and highlight the role of the coordination team of the clan, that was working 24/7 in order to achieve this result. Now, I am certain that our clan is moving in the right direction and is on its way to becoming even stronger.

Results: Tomb of the sun and Smugglers

01.03.2019 19:21 / comments: 0 / view: 408 /

Author: #1209 omne

Translation author: #1209 Meshy

And thus! Another event has been completed, the sun tomb.

In this article we will compare the two events using the following statistics:
• Number of participants
• Distribution of waves completed by combat level
• Distribution of artifact rewarded
• Clan rankings

Numbers of 2018

31.01.2019 03:45 / comments: 0 / view: 692 /

Author: #302 Ìàêñèìóñ

Translation author: spartak142

After saying “Goodbye” to 2018 and greeting the 2019 it is finally time to take a look at some data from the past year. In our world of War and Money (or, perhaps, Might and Magic?) it has taken an important place. Out of all the things I, personally, would like to highlight the introduction of Daily Bonuses and Leaders’ Guild. In this article we are going to examine the statistics of 2018.

Road to max smith and beyond

31.01.2019 02:15 / comments: 0 / view: 612 /

Author: #1209ÃèïíîÓòêà

Illustrator: #5152 ×àõîõáèëè

Translation author: #1209Meshy

We have all had to use the services of a smith, but have you wondered just

how expensive and long the road is?

New minigame "Snowballs"

08.01.2019 19:00 / comments: 0 / view: 534 /

Illustrator: ×àõîõáèëè

The game is available here!

New Year Wordsearch Marathon.

04.01.2019 18:00 / comments: 0 / view: 597 /

Illustrator: ×àõîõáèëè

1. starts 01.05.2019 12:00 here!

2. starts 01.07.2019 12:00 here!

3. starts 01.09.2019 12:00 here!

Merry Christmas & Happy New year!

26.12.2018 14:40 / comments: 5 / view: 999 /

“Merry Christmas & Happy New year!”... These words were heard all over the Empire from Kingdom Castle to Peaceful Camp, from Sunny City to Harbor City. Decorations and lights were everywhere, and even the deepest and darkest of caves were lit. Every single city, village, castle were filled with music and cheer- the most magical time of the year. The time when wishes come true, simply because it is their time. Time for miracles of all sorts to happen. (for once not due to some corky wizard messing up a spell)...

Well, I am sure you just want to get back to the celebrations, or perhaps, to looting of the magical vault, so I would like to keep it short. We, at HWM Daily, have gotten a hold of the mystical and the most powerful (well one of them, but shhh) creature in the Empire- The Sphinx. And together we have came up with a mini event for all of you! Starting from today (26.12.18) until the 31.12.18) we will be posting mini tasks on behalf of our majestic and powerful (etc.etc) Sphinx. You are free to answer to these questions/complete the tasks on the Game Forum in the respective topic or directly in commentaries on HWM Daily. Everyday there would be a new task (or several new tasks) and once the new task comes out, all previous answers will be evaluated and completion of the previous tasks would not count anymore. The tasks would be added to the post on HWM Daily, and thereafter posted on the forum.

There would be plenty of rewards big and small (depending on whether you have been good Lords and Ladies or not). Remember Sphinx loves creativity and tricky answers for the tricky questions!

The first question: Why do all dwarfs have a beard? Which dwarf has the longest beard in the whole Empire (and how did you measure it)?

The best answer (by MAcDonald):

Why do all dwarfs have a beard? Actualy it is beards who has dwarves, not the other way round. It is for transportation purposes mainly. Beards enjoy how dwarves care about them aplying oils, combing etc. Beards like to float approximately 30 cm above the ground, thus small beards have short (young) dwarves carrying them, while long beards are usualy being carried by older dwarves.

Which dwarf has the longest beard in the whole Empire (and how did you measure it)? The longest beard is carried by a highest dwarf, obviously. Measuring beards is realy simple. You measure a dwarf and substract 30 cm.

Second task: Here you will find a list of "Abilities possessed by creatures of playable factions" your next task is to combine any three of them however you like in order to make the best ability possible (what is the best is up to you). Don't forget to name it accordingly, the name is, of course, very important!

The best answers

“Clear all”- the ultimate melee attack. Six-headed strike + retribution strike + triple strike By Erathia

"Army Killer"- Let's see how many survive after this one... Shooter, ricochet shot, blade of doom by Meshy (best ranged)

"Ultimate Defender" - You shall not pass (Gandalf is very proud) Take roots+ Wild reflexes + Hold ground by Expert_BOT

"LEEEEEROY" - no comments, only psychotic laughter... Charge + lizard charge + jousting by Nazra

Third question: "Betrayal, betrayal, betrayal... Hmmm... It seems like many can betray in the Empire. Do you know who to keep an eye on?" Your next task is to name as many possible betrayals as you can that are present in the game. The first one to find a particular way to betray and post it will get the reward.

Answers (Note, that most of these have explanations on the forum) (for explanation click here)

  1. Teammate not helping in combat and laughing when you die.
  2. True betrayal? Its these captains we hand our armies to when we chose to auto combat! (Aurelija)
  3. Tribal Goblins
  4. Magi through shot when they hurt more allies than enemy.
  5. Worst of all, betrayal by my army when they get seduced by the evil temptress
  6. Berserkers and berserker (ability) destroying allies.
  7. Meteorite rain, chain lightning, fireball, earthen spikes, other aoe spells. When the allied lord backstabbed me once upon a time during hunt assist to take everything for himself.
  8. Thieves ambushing other thieves, and innocent poor folks without mounts.
  9. The true betrayer is the Empire itself.
  10. "Left the current clan to enter the top in event clan for better reward."-FredySky #Thug Life
  11. For me true betrayal was when my dragons decided to kill my cute little spirits along with Renegade thugs enemy.
  12. Letting your classic wizard play hunt/mg/wg with mirror.
  13. There is only one thing and it is luck
  14. Tribals using their goblins.
  15. Roulette is the true betrayal!
  16. Moderators...
  17. Clanmates coming to defense with min AP
  18. Teammate using DoF firebal
  19. Dark Elves
  20. Afk CG partners
  21. Undercover rangers in thief guilds

Fourth question: "Once upon a time, a traveler told me a story of a magnificent something that lies somewhere on Empire's lands. He said that if you travel from Kingdom's Castle to the Peaceful Camp you will find it.. Or, perhaps, smell.. Or, perhaps, touch... Or, perhaps, see?" What is it? Remember, the Sphinx likes creative answers.

The best answer: (by ProZyk)

Once there lived a magnificent dragon on undergrounds of Dragon Caves; smelled like heaven, pure solace to eyes and soft like a feather! Dragon lived thousands of year but later died for protecting Empire's Capital for which all peasants are forever grateful. With the help of a local friendly necromancer, they have tied the head of dragon at the entrance of Dragon's Cave now and if true believer passes through the cave, they can actually see, smell and touch the lifeless-but-fulloflife soul of Dragon. No one knows how that necromancer did it, this secret went with him as he disappeared now.

Final task: It is time for the final challenge from the Majestic Sphinx... Answers to this one should be sent to Spartak142 private mail marked "Sphinx Challenge" as this is a trivia and the lord/lady who will answer most of the questions correctly will get the prize. All of the tasks are about the game. Note that answers can be long forgotten as they can be related to history of LordsWM. What is the Sphinx talking about in each of the riddles?

  1. "The present is the past. The future I have seen. I fight now for you- Empire, my Queen."

    Answer: Time Portal event.

  2. "One year has passed and we meet again, last year you were brave and now you are mad. Every year curse repeats and the problem is mine, the curse is on since the beginning of time."

    Answer: New year hunting creatures (hunts new and old year creatures)

  3. "We have been waiting for this so long- it's a meme. The year is almost over and chances are slim... What do you say Admin? "

    Answer: Dwarf alternative class

  4. " Ever worn a steel buckler? Or, perhaps, a shortbow do you know where they came from? Now tell me more!"

    Answer: Crypt at Verdan Dell. Campaign vs undead. More about it

  5. "Would you like some money? I know a way! Hard to catch but reward is amazing, yay!? "

    Answer: Hamster side event

  6. " Green little creature, holding a ball. Christmas and present? He hates it all..."

    Answer: Grinch

  7. "He doesn't get in to houses, By walking through front doors Instead he uses chimneys, his name is..."

    Answer: Santa Claus

The challenge has ended and the winner is ProZyk answering 6 questions correctly! almost got the question 4. The Sphinx is pleased! Second goes to virtual_vitrea. And the third place has been shared between Erathia, mkland and Lord Fosgeen .

    ProZyk's answers
  1. Portal of Time
  2. New year hunting creatures
  3. Alt dwarf
  4. From old event, needed to unlock by killing leaders.
  5. Hamster
  6. Grinch
  7. Santa Claus

Trick or Treat? (Results)

08.11.2018 00:40 / comments: 0 / view: 431 /

Lords and Ladies! Great news have arrived!

After thousands of interrogations and ambushes, after thousands of battles and days of hard-work the squashmen have been driven away. The Council is grateful to every single hero who took part in the quest and helped out in whatever way they could!

That being said the Council would like to give special thanks to Lords and Ladies who did especially well. Lord MilesTeg, MagDonald, mellor and Meshy receive 7000 gold each for their exceptional ability to persuade an enemy to tell them what they want to know. Their best conversations you can find here. Be careful, Ai chats may harm you... :

Dmitri Stsuka from french mafia. Guess how old he is?

AI who blamed his pc

When you taunt a Leprechaun

Dark Gargoyles that spoke 4 languages

Little bonus Behemots studying for an exam

The battle that showed everyone that we can fight back! Lord Meshy has shown us how to slain Squashmen properly, and for that Council awards him with a Blade of Rebirth.

Thank you so much for your efforts warriors! Your awards have been sent now!

Latest news

07.11.2018 01:37 / comments: 0 / view: 539 /

Today I would like to introduce a new article series for the english version of HWM Daily. Every second week we will post articles with the latest updates and rumours from across the Empire. The articles will be scheduled to come out on Sundays at 13:00 CET. Of course, if there would be something really important we will update you right away! This week we got three cool things to point out!

4th Campaign is on the way! According to a game update note that came out on Russian HWM Daily 4th campaign is about to come out. Meanwhile we can take a look at a creature that will presumably make it’s first appearance in the 4th Campaign- Torkvemada’s Spirit (“äóõ Òîðêâåìàäû” -rus.)

Trick or Treat?

31.10.2018 14:00 / comments: 7 / view: 1126 /

The Empire was filled with Squashmen. No one could escape the sudden assassinations. Even the bravest and strongest Lords and Ladies prefered to spend this day at the Empire Capital where it was easier to avoid the attacks. The strongest warriors have gathered by a round table at the Empress palace for a brief discussion on the situation:

”That’s enough!”- said Algor- “What are we? The mighty lords or some scared peasants who run from their own shadow?”

“These pumpkins are really annoying though”- said Noldor. -“It is really hard to fight them. They always come from nowhere, unexpected, and use it to their advantage. Even the best mages cannot foresee it coming.”

“Indeed”- said AGRESSOR- “I have to point out that their attacks are very well coordinated. Almost too well...”

The thought came to Algor from nowhere:

“Spies!!! They have to have spies!”

“Was just thinking about that myself”- thoughtfully said Allsan.- “Because even my magic mirrors cannot hide me from them.”

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we have to investigate! We cannot let this humiliation happen to us over and over again!” - No one noticed Stealth who suddenly appeared in his favourite manner, surprising everyone at the mighty lords and ladies who attended the meeting.

“ So be it! Let’s play “Trick or Treat” with the locals, perhaps we will find something out...”- AGRESSOR was already putting his armor on. “The more heroes the better. Call everyone who is available and still alive!” - finished Grammith- ” We meet again in three days and evaluate the situation”


Trick or treat? Or both? This time you are the one who decides! In this Halloween event you have two ways to earn rewards with: You can choose “Trick”. In this case you will have to win any combat where one (or several) units will be “dressed up”. By “dressed up” we mean stacks of armies that differ from their normal appearance. The most well-known one is probably when Shrews/Rogues have rainbow hair instead of having plain hair color. In case several players will succeed in winning such a battle, we will judge but the % of army survived. The first place will receive 10000 gold, second 7000, third 5000.

If you choose ”Treat”, then you will have to persuade our beloved AI into telling you a story. This task can be accomplish by talking to bots in combats (e.g. hunts, Watchers’ Guild and so on). Each player may only submit one combat, so pick the best one! Players may only speak english, but it is okay if AI replies in russian or any other language. The nominations are as follows:

1. Best Strategic advice

2. Funniest conversation

3. What a story (persuade AI to tell/teach you something about the Squashmen)

4. My next partner (get to know the AI)

Each of the nominations grants 7000 gold to the winners.

Additionally, the best three Lords who manage to defeat a Squashmen that has attacked them will receive rewards appropriate to their level. Again, only the best Squashmen fighters are considered, so top three with the highest % of survived army. You cannot use a smurf account or friends to complete this challenge.

You can only submit one combat link for trick and one for treat. Please make a note which of the nominations your combat corresponds to.

The period of the event is 31.10.18 (12:00 CET) until the 03.11.18 (23:59 CET)

Please submit the combat logs and comments in the comment section below! That way Grammith will receive your raven faster!

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